Christine Lopez serves as the Lead Pastor of The Worship Center. Her passion is to see the Church become carriers of the power of God as they use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to walk out the Great Commission—reaching cities, regions, and nations for His glory. She is used powerfully by God to mentor, train, and teach the Church to understand and walk in their God given purpose and Heavenly identity. She believes when the Church understands who they are in Christ, they will share who He is with others—this is revival.
Christine is grateful for her family legacy of teachers, pastors, and missionaries who have faithfully loved and served the Lord and others for over 70 years. She graduated from Bethany College in 2000 and became a teacher and administrator, teaching the next generation for 15 years. She is passionate about training and equipping the local church. She was an instructor at the Worship Center University School of Ministry where she taught on the 5 Fold Ministries, gifts of healing, words of knowledge, and prophesy. She served as the Youth and Young Adults Pastor and later became the Assistant Lead Pastor at the Worship Center. She is an author, revivalist, and a primary prophetic voice for the Kingdom of God.